How Do U Know You Born Again

How Tin can I Know I Am Built-in Again?

dan delzell opinion page

"How can I know I am born again?"

That was the excellent question a Mormon missionary asked me recently subsequently a lengthy discussion well-nigh biblical theology. And it indicated that he was giving the "born again" message some significant consideration.

Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again." (John 3:7)

In other words, the simply manner to know God is to first be converted through spiritual rebirth.

Jesus said, "Flesh gives nascency to flesh, but the Spirit gives nativity to spirit." (John iii:half-dozen)

This is the 2nd birth, and only the Holy Spirit can achieve it.

Consider the phenomenon of your physical birth when God formed you in your female parent'due south womb. (Jeremiah 1:5) The miracle of the second birth is every chip equally miraculous, if non more and so.

Conversion delivers the forgiveness of sins to a person. It happens on the front finish of a person'south relationship with God. And a Christian tin "know" that he has received the gratuitous gift of eternal life.

John put it this style: "I write these things to you who believe in the proper noun of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." (1 John 5:xiii)

A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus as his Savior, and a Christian can know his salvation is secure and heaven is his eternal home.

D.50. Moody said, "Faith is like the root; assurance is similar the flower."

Start you believe, so the assurance develops. Some Christians alive everyday with that blossom, while other Christians struggle with some doubt apropos their eternal salvation. But every Christian is trusting in Christ and His cross for salvation, rather than trying to earn their mode to heaven.

So how tin can I know I am born again?

The first affair I told the Mormon missionary is that information technology's not a matter of feelings. Instead, information technology has to exercise with relying upon the promises of God.

And if you are relying upon your works in guild to be accustomed by God and forgiven of your sins, then y'all are not nonetheless born over again.

"All who rely on observing the law are under a curse." (Galatians 3:ten)

No one gets built-in again by relying on the law.

The but fashion to be born over again is to rely on the cross. That is, to accept the payment Jesus made on your behalf. It is the only way to exist saved, forgiven, and born again. All three of those things happen the moment a person enters God's family unit by receiving the souvenir of eternal life through faith.

And so accept you received God's gift? Are you lot trusting in the cantankerous for salvation, or in your works? This is the beginning and biggest indicator of whether or not you are born again.

In addition to trusting Christ solitary for salvation, a person who is built-in over again will sincerely want to alive for Christ. A born again person does not view his conservancy as a "license to sin." Anyone who looks at Christianity that style is not born again. Believers don't alive for sin, only rather, they live for Christ.

Practise believers sin? Of class. Merely that is not the direction our middle wants to go. We genuinely want to live for Christ, and God is producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. (Gal. 5:22,23)

If you are born again, the Holy Spirit lives within you. If you are not born over again, the Holy Spirit does not live inside you.

Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth, "Don't yous know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" (one Cor. three:16)

That cannot be said of unbelievers, just only of Christians.

If yous are not a Christian but would like to exist born again, then apologize of your sin and tell God you lot no longer want to violate His commands. And only believe that Jesus died to pay for your sins on the cantankerous. You can receive Him every bit your Savior right at present through religion.

"Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." (John 1:12)

And so take you received Christ every bit your Savior? Are yous born again? If so, and then exist bodacious that Christ will never go out you or forsake you, and know that heaven is your eternal home.

In fact, God gave yous a deposit guaranteeing He will give you everything He has promised.

"Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance." (Eph. one:13,14)

It is a certainty for believers.

"God has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." (ii Cor. v:5)

In one case the Holy Spirit comes to live inside you through faith, your "reservation" in paradise is secure. And a guarantee from God is rock solid because the Lord never fails to evangelize on any of His promises.

Simply trust Christ today to forgive your sins and relieve your soul. And so stand up on God'due south promises. It's the but way to be saved, and the only way to know you have been born again.

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Church in Papillion, Bill. He is a regular correspondent to The Christian Mail.


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